Neptune is the God of the Sea according to Roman mythology. This windiest planet in our solar system never fails to amaze you.
Manali Dingorkar
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Improve your knowledge about the planet Neptune by solving this quiz.
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Did You Know?
The planet Neptune was discovered in 1846 by John Couch Adams who was a British mathematician.
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Did You Know?
In the solar system, Neptune is the 8th farthest planet from the Sun. The 8 planets in our Solar System are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
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Did You Know?
The planet Neptune is one of the coldest places in the solar system. It has a very active climate. Neptune has bands of storms that circle the planet. Winds on Neptune traveling at 2,100 k/hr.
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The planet Neptune has 14 moons, Triton is the largest moon discovered by the astronomer William Lassell.
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The outer layers of Neptune's atmosphere are formed by icy methane. So the
planet Neptune appears of deep blue color.
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Planet Neptune takes 164.8 Earth years to orbit the Sun.
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Did You Know?
Astronomer Johann Galle discovered the existence of Neptune using the calculations of Jean Joseph Leverrier, a French astronomer.
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Did You Know?
Surface gravity of Neptune (relative to Earth) is about 1.17 times greater than Earth. Considering you could stand on the surface of Neptune, you would be able to walk, feeling slightly hampered by the additional 17% gravitational pull.
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Did You Know?
Hydrogen is the primary component of the atmosphere of Neptune, about 77-83% of the atmosphere. The second biggest component is helium (19%). Methane is the third largest component (1-2%).
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Did You Know?
One of the largest storms was seen on Neptune's surface in 1989. It was called the Great Dark Spot.
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Did You Know?
According to Gustav Holst, "Neptune is the Mystic", Uranus is "The Magician", Saturn is the "Bringer of Old Age" and Venus is the "Bringer of Peace".
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Did You Know?
Due to the its higher density and higher internal temperature, Neptune has a more extreme atmosphere.
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Did You Know?
Neptune is 18% more massive than Uranus. The latter is about 14 times as massive as Earth, while the former is over 17 time as massive.
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Did You Know?
Galle is the name of Neptune's innermost ring. It is named after theĀ German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle.